Welcome! Here you'll find some well known Jazz Standards in different, sometimes obscure, but always interesting versions. I'll try to present the songs on their way over the decades, but will NOT show those "I have made some big Pop records, and now I want to make something serious"-recordings by some so called "artists" of today.
If there are any mistakes - please forgive me: I'm old and senile, this is my first ever blog and I'm not a native speaker

Friday, April 16, 2010

Zing! Went the Strings of my heart

Here is the first song to start with: "Zing! Went the Strings of my heart", a Quickstep by James Manley.

The oldest recording I know is by Lew Stone & his Monseigneur Band, waxed in 1932:

After a lot of similar versions, eg. by Jack Hylton and Henry Hall, it was recorded in 1943 by Judy Garland:

After several sides by Pearl Bailey, Helen O'Conell and others, it was again discovered by the Doo-Wop-Bands of the 50s, like the Demensions, The Skyliners or The Satintones. As an example here the version of the Coasters:

In the 60s we only hear this song in some Swing-revivals, like by Frank Sinatra ...

But in the 70s, it came back: DISCO-TIME! The Trammps covered it - probably not from the 30s version, but from the 50s, like their "Sixty Minute Man":

The last appearance of this timeless tune I heared back in the 80s, what again tells me: music ended when the 90s came up. This is by The Smoking Popes, a band of which I never heard before and never after ...



Olde Edo said...

Fascinating! I often wonder about original versions of standards, and also like to trace the variety in interpretations of artists over the years.

Very nice concept for a blog! I hope a lot of singers learn about this.

Anonymous said...


ich wohne hier in münchen, habe Deine Site über Reci´s oldies gefunden. Habe eine riesensammlung CDs mit Jazz, Orchester, Bigbands etc. Easy listening etc.
wäre nett, wenn wir per mail in kontakt kämen: